
Pest control

Providing suitable solutions for pest control using new and biological products without worrying about residual toxins


Prevention always precedes control in repelling pests. In general, a set of operations that makes the biological condition unfavorable for plants growth and repelling the pests is called prevention. Because in some cases, pests control costs is higher than the damage costs occcured by pests, There is no practical way to control some pests; Therefore preventing from damages caused by pests is regarded easier and more economic than controlling them subsequently.
It’s pretty logical that knowing the favorable backgrounds and factors causing pests is essential in preventing from the spread of pests,. Maya special team makes huge attempt to prevent from the occurrence of pests and disease first, and if required, help you in pest control using safe toxibiologic fertilizer with zero Preharvest interval.(PHI) through studying the condition precisely and continuously, information collection from all parts of country and consulting with its commercial partners.